Belarus National Costume

 The Republic of Belarus is a country located in Central Europe (28-32° east longitude, 51-55° north latitude) with the territory of 207,6 thousand square km. It borders with Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine.
Though Belarus is not such a big country there are 22 variants of the national costume. Regional differences are mainly in the small details of the costume and in motives and subjects of ornament.
Garments for the women include a chemise (kashulya) made of homespun linen; a heavy pleated checked or striped woven wool or linen skirt (spadnitsa or andarak); a linen homespun apron, and a waistcoat. Sleeves, shoulder insets, collar and bosom have embroidered patterns in red and black yarn, the composition of ornamenting depending on the region where the set belongs.  The obligatory part of every costume is multi-color belt with pompons, tassels or fringes.
On their head young girls would wear coronets and narrow head-towels (skindochka), while married women wore bonnets and hoods. Still more women prefered namitkas head-towels which could be skilfully draped in many ways. Strings of beads complete the costume.


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