Molly Malone

 About 300 years ago, "Molly" was a common nickname for women called "Mary". Over the years there were probably many Molly Malones, but one fishmonger from Dublin was to make the name known throughout the world because of her sad fate.
  If Molly Malone truly existed as an historical person, is still being disputed by experts. She supposedly lived in 17th century Dublin and is said to have been  a real beauty. Because of the immense poverty of those days the young woman was forced to sell her beauty to strangers in order to survive.Fate came up with yet another stroke: One of her clients infected Molly Malone with cholera. In 1699, still of young age, she died in a Dublin street. Although Irish stories like the one about Molly Malone – usually end sadly, the Irish aren't known for being wistful people. Nevertheless they chose Molly Malone to be one of the symbols for their capital Dublin.
   The Irish traditional song "Cockles and Mussels" made Molly world-famous: It has been interpreted by many bands and is today regarded as Dublin's inofficial hymn.


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