
                                        Intresting facts about Norway (part 2)
  1. The official Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square in London has come from Oslo for over the last fifty years.
  2. The cheese slicer was invented in Norway.
  3. Norway is the 6th largest country in Europe, but only ranks 28th as far as population.
  4. If caught driving under the influence, there is an automatic 30 days in jail, lose your license for a year, and pay fines up to 10% of your annual income!
  5. Binge drinking on the weekends is a well-established tradition. Just don’t drive home!
  6. Food stores cannot be open on Sundays. If you need groceries then, you have to get them at the local gas station, which are allowed to sell food on Sundays.
  7. Food prices are so high in Norway that many people travel to Sweden to buy their groceries.
  8. The Grandiosa frozen pizza is the unofficial national food dish.
  9. Norway is the birthplace of modern skiing. The word “ski” is Norwegian for “piece of wood”.
  10. There are about 450,000 lakes in Norway.


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