Iranian people

Interesting Facts About Iran

  • The word Iran means the ‘Land of the Aryan’s.
  • The for­mer name of Iran was Per­sia, which was in use till 1935.
  • Iran ranks sev­enth among coun­tries in the world as regards num­ber of World Her­itage Sites rec­og­nized by UNESCO.
  • Iran ranks sec­ond in the world in nat­ural gas and third in oil reserves.
  • Alexander’s wife, Rox­anne, was an Iran­ian. “Roshanak” in Farsi
  • Per­sians have a dif­fer­ent lan­guage and iden­tity from the rest of the Mid­dle East.
  • Iran has bor­ders with ten coun­tries, namely Arme­nia, Azer­bai­jan, Turk­menistan, Afghanistan, Pak­istan, Oman, United Arab Emi­rates, Kuwait, Iraq and Turkey.
  • The largest eth­nic group of Iran is Per­sian, con­sti­tut­ing about 51 per­cent of the population.
  • Major­ity of the pop­u­la­tion of Iran is Shi­ite Muslim.
  • Famous west­ern poets influ­enced by Per­sian poets: Ralph Waldo Emer­son, Wolf­gang Von Goethe.
  • Iran’s con­sti­tu­tion and Par­lia­ment were cre­ated on Aug 5th, 1906.
  • Famous bib­li­cal peo­ple buried in Iran: Queen Esther, Daniel, Cyrus The Great, Dar­ius The Great, St. Thaddeus.
  • Iran is one of the world’s old­est con­tin­u­ous major civ­i­liza­tions, with his­tor­i­cal and urban set­tle­ments dat­ing back to 4000 BC.
  • In spite of fierce com­pe­ti­tion, Per­sian rugs are still the best rugs in the world.
  • Iran has world’s best caviar.
  • Iran’s Mau­soleum of Maus­sol­los was iden­ti­fied as one of the Seven Won­ders of the Ancient World.
  • It snows in Tehran like it does in Denver.
  • Iran has croc­o­diles. It’s tigers were hunted to extinc­tion 50 years ago. But still has the only Asi­atic cheetah.
  • Only coun­try to have pur­chased F-14 Tom­cats from US.
  • Per­sian (Farsi) is still spo­ken in Tajikestan and Afghanistan. It was the offi­cial court lan­guage of India for 200 years.
  • Sur­pris­ingly, Per­sia [Iran] built the ear­li­est known wind­mills, which resem­bled large pad­dle wheels. Iran was pio­neer­ing wind energy long before any other nation real­ized the energy ben­e­fit of God’s nat­ural energy powerhouse.


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